GitHub Action
defectdojo findings threshold
defectdojo findings threshold
defectdojo findings threshold
A GitHub Action that evaluates the active findings against thresholds set by the user
Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.
- name: defectdojo findings threshold
uses: portswigger-cloud/defectdojo-findings-thresholds@v1.0.1
defectdojo findings thresholds v1
This GitHub Action that queries the number of active finding in DefectDojo by product and then compares them against the thresholds set by the user, failing the build if the thresholds are exceeded.
Example output
The total number of my-product findings 61 is greater than the configured threshold of 50
About DefectDojo
DefectDojo is a security orchestration and vulnerability management platform. DefectDojo allows you to manage your application security program, maintain product and application information, triage vulnerabilities and push findings to systems like JIRA and Slack. DefectDojo enriches and refines vulnerability data using a number of heuristic algorithms that improve with the more you use the platform.
Input Name | Required |
defectdojo-url | True |
defectdojo-username | True |
defectdojo-password | True |
defectdojo-product | True |
total-threshold | False |
critical-threshold | False |
high-threshold | False |
medium-threshold | False |
low-threshold | False |
info-threshold | False |
If any of the thresholds are left blank they will not evaluated by this action.
Simple example
name: test-security-findings-threshold-by-product-against-active-findings-from-defectdojo
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: defectdojo_findings-threshold:
id: defectdojo-findings-threshold:
uses: portswigger-cloud/defectdojo-active-findings@main
defectdojo-url: https://defectdojo.example.con
defectdojo-username: ${{ secrets.defectdojo-username }}
defectdojo-password: ${{ secrets.defectdojo-password }}
defectdojo-product: my-product
total-threshold: 10
critical-threshold: 2
high-threshold: 2
medium-threshold: 2
low-threshold: 2
info-threshold: 2