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🏮 Khoj AI was started by two engineers who felt that human capabilities haven't kept pace with the advancements in AI and computing. We're on a mission to make accessible, easy to use AI tools that you can trust.
I'm creating various open source projects, primarily around graphics. I've created RoughJS, RoughNotation, Wired-Elements, and LegraJS. Sponsor me to maintain and develop these projects.
Medito Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving mental wellbeing and helping people cope better with depression, stress, anxiety, and any other negative states of mind


RVM is the acronym of Ruby enVironment Manager. It manages Ruby application environments and enables switching between them.
Hi-Rez is an art + design + technology company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible today with real-time graphics on MacOS, iOS, & tvOS. We love open source and are the creators & maintainers of Satin.
Hello hello! I'm Nate, an R package developer building tools for {shiny} developers. I admire the way R users use {shiny} to make their work broadly available and accessible. I build new tools to help empower these R users.
Advanced file manipulation tools and documentations: - hand-crafted PoCs, hash collisions, file format dissections.
Project Lombok helps Java developers to get rid of most of their boilerplate code, providing battle proven implementations. With your support, we can keep our product up-to-date, and remove even more boilerplate code.
We build tools and datasets to understand and respond to the information disorder/crisis in India. We are a community of technologists, researchers and artists working towards a healthier online information ecosystem in India.
Hi, my name is Abdul Malik Ikhsan. I am a husband, a father of 2 awesome sons, PHP developer, and Open Source Software projects contributor since 2012.
Hi 👋, I'm Leon. I build open source apps for gamers. Most of my projects are based on TypeScript, JavaScript, React, MongoDB and Node.js.
Please contribute to Jeff Foley's open source projects that support the information security community
WebTorrent is the first torrent client that works in the browser. Browser-to-browser communication cuts out the middle-man and lets people communicate on their own terms. No more client/server – just a network of peers, all equal.
PHP Developer and Open-Source enthusiast. Support the development of Composer Diff plugin, Aliyun HTTP Signer library and my contributions to Symfony, Doctrine and many more!
Hi, I'm Rafał. I created and still maintaining Czkawka and Szyszka apps. I also like to find bugs in software mainly in Godot Engine
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